Sansom Surveying

Canada Lands


In the summer of 2014, Natural Resources Canada acting through the First Nations Land TahltanProjectManagement Resource Centre required a resurvey of three separate Tahltan First Nation Reserves on the Little Tahltan River and at the headwaters of the Salmon Creek above the Sheslay River.  These Reserves were in an extremely remote portion of Northwest British Columbia between Telegraph Creek and Atlin.  Access was via a 2000 km one-way drive to the end of the road and from there ATVs and fixed-wing balloon tire and float aircraft to various spike camps set up in proximity to each of the three.  The work required long days scouring the areas in search of the original 1929 survey evidence. Some remains of bearing trees and original wooden posts were found for a number of corners on each of the three Reserves.  Having dealth with the challenging logistics and intense surveying, we were able to register a plan of field notes for each Reserve for future use of the Tahltan Nation and the contract authority.  Sansom Surveying was the primary contract land surveyor working with another survey firm for this project.


The Williams Indian Reserve No 2 is a small undeveloped 10 ha Reserve at the confluence of the Harrison and Fraser Rivers in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.  In early 2015 ScowlitzProjectNatural Resources Canada required a resurvey of the rectilinear and natural boundary for this Reserve as part of the First Nations Land Management process.  Even though the survey was completed in mid January during inclement winter weather, it was successful in finding a majority of the original 1915 survey evidence and re-establishing all missing monuments destroyed by river erosion. Approximately 1200m of natural boundary was surveyed including a section of cliff only accessible by boat. This survey and plan was completed entirely by Sansom Surveying and submitted on time and budget to the contract authority for their approval.